Laura Kay, Barnard College, Stacy Palen, Weber State University, George Blumenthal, University of California-Santa Cruz.
Edition Statement
Fifth edition.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
New York :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
W.W. Norton & Company,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xxxii, 699 pages, 76 differently numbered pages ;
28 cm
Text of Note
Includes index.
Text of Note
Previous edition: 21st century astronomy (New York : W.W. Norton & Company, 2013).
Text of Note
Part I: Introduction to astronomy. Thinking like an astronomer ; Patterns in the sky : motions of Earth and the moon ; Motion of astronomical bodies ; Gravity and orbits ; Light ; The tools of the astronomer -- Part II. The solar system. The birth and evolution of planetary systems ; The terrestrial planets and Earth's moon ; Atmospheres of the terrestrial planets ; Worlds of gas and liquid : the giant planets ; Planetary moons and rings ; Dwarf planets and small solar system bodies -- Part III: Stars and stellar evolution. Taking the measure of stars ; Our star : the sun ; The interstellar medium and star formation ; Evolution of low-mass stars ; Evolution of high-mass stars ; Relativity and black holes -- Part IV: Galaxies, the universe, and cosmology. Galaxies ; The Milky Way : a normal spiral galaxy ; The expanding universe ; Cosmology ; Large-scale structure in the universe ; Life -- Appendix 1. Mathematical tools -- Appendix 2. Physical constants and units -- Appendix 3. Periodic table of the elements -- Appendix 4. Properties of planets, dwarf planets, and moons -- Appendix 5. Space missions -- Appendix 6. Nearest and brightest stars -- Appendix 7. Observing the sky -- Appendix 8. Uniform circular motion and circular orbits -- Appendix 9. IAU 2006 resolutions : "Definition of a planet in the solar system" and "Pluto" -- Glossary.