Front Cover; SONOGRAPHY Introduction to Normal Structure and Function THIRD EDITION; Copyright page; Reviewers; Contributors; Preface; For the Instructor; Table of Contents; SECTION I CLINICAL APPLICATIONS; Chapter 1 Before and After the Ultrasound Examination; Before the Ultrasound Examination; After the Ultrasound Examination; Chapter 2 Ultrasound Instrumentation: "Knobology," Imaging Processing, and Storage; Alphanumeric Keyboard; Primary Imaging Controls; Basic Operations of Ultrasound System; Image Processing and Storage; Chapter 3 General Patient Care; Interpersonal Skills.
Sonographic AppearanceSonographic Applications; Normal Variants; Reference Charts; Chapter 14 The Pancreas; Location; Size; Gross Anatomy; Vascular Anatomy; Physiology; Sonographic Appearance; Sonographic Applications; Normal Variants; Reference Charts; Chapter 15 The Urinary System; Location; Size; Gross Anatomy; Physiology; Sonographic Appearance; Sonographic Applications; Normal Variants; Reference Charts; Chapter 16 The Spleen; Location; Size; Gross Anatomy; Physiology; Sonographic Appearance; Sonographic Applications; Normal Variants; Reference Charts.
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Sonographic ApplicationsNormal Variants; Reference Charts; Chapter 10 The Portal Venous System; Location; Size; Gross Anatomy; Physiology; Sonographic Appearance; Sonographic Application; Normal Variants; Reference Charts; SECTION III ABDOMINAL SONOGRAPHY; Chapter 11 Abdominal Vasculature; The Abdominal Arterial System; The Abdominal Venous System; Reference Charts; Chapter 12 The Liver; Location; Size; Gross Anatomy; Physiology; Sonographic Appearance; Sonographic Application; Normal Variants; Reference Charts; Chapter 13 The Biliary System; Location; Size; Gross Anatomy; Physiology.
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Ultrasound Examination RoomPatient Care During The Ultrasound Examination; Asepsis Technique; Chapter 4 First Scanning Experience; Body Planes; Ultrasound Scanning Planes; Clinical Criteria; Imaging Criteria; Scanning; How To Describe Abnormal Ultrasound Findings; SECTION II SONOGRAPHIC APPROACH TO UNDERSTANDING ANATOMY; Chapter 5 Interdependent Body Systems; Nervous System; Endocrine System; Cardiovascular System; Lymphatic System; Musculoskeletal System; Reproductive System; Digestive System; Urinary System; Respiratory System; Chapter 6 Anatomy Layering and Sectional Anatomy.
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Gain a firm understanding of normal anatomy and physiology from a sonographic perspective! Sonography: Introduction to Normal Structure and Function, 3rd Edition shows normal anatomy as it appears during scanning, with labeled drawings explaining what you should notice. With this knowledge, you will be able to accurately identify sonographic pathology and abnormalities. Over 1,200 illustrations include the latest and best images from the newest ultrasound equipment, including 3D and 4D images. Written by expert educators Reva Curry and Betty Tempkin, this book provides complete preparation fo.