Chapter 1: Acrylics are awesome! -- Chapter 2: Setting up supplies: brushes, surfaces, and palettes -- Chapter 3: All about paints and mediums -- Chapter 4: Basic painting and finishing techniques -- Chapter 5: Building your repertoire with quick tricks and techniques -- Chapter 6: Dawn to paint: even if your drawing skills still need work -- Chapter 7: Taking a quick color tour -- Chapter 8: Design of the times: design elements and princples -- Chapter 9: Putting the pieces together: composition -- Chapter 10: Letting it flow: creating a watercolor-like landscape -- Chapter 11: Laying it on thick: painting like the oil masters -- Chapter 12: Thinking and painting abstractly -- Chapter 13: Creating collages and transfers -- Chapter 14: Cool projets for all types of surfaces -- Chapter 15: Ten (plus one) genres: figuring out what you want to paint -- Chapter 16: Ten ways to get the creative juices flowing.
Text of Note
Following a simple step-by-step approach, this guide provides hands-on instruction and easy-to-follow exercises in techniques and styles, featuring large-scale projects at the end of most chapters and ample additional opportunities for readers to paint along.