Now you see it, now you don't: magic tricks of white supremacy in the United States / Jacqueline Anderson, Sarah Lucia Hoagland, and Anne Leighton -- Imagined communities: Whitopia and the Trayvon Martin tragedy / Maria del Guadalupe Davidson -- Indignity and death: philosophical commentary on White terror, Black death, and the Trayvon Martin tragedy / Stephen C. Ferguson II and John H. McClendon III -- No bigots required: what the science of racial bias reveals in the wake of Trayvon Martin / Phillip Abita Goff and L. Song Richardson -- Two forms of transcendence: justice and the problem of knowledge / Timothy Joseph Golden -- The irreplaceability of continued struggle / Lewis R. Gordon -- Dead Black man, just walking / William David Hart -- Distorted vision and deadly speech: enabling racial violence through paradox and script / Jennifer Harvey -- "Seeing Black" through Michel Foucault's eyes: "Stand Your Ground" laws as an anchorage point for state-sponsored racism / Devonya N. Havis -- Should Black kids avoid wearing hoodies? / Chike Jeffers -- Can we imagine this happening to a White boy? / Janine Jones -- A mother's pain: the toxicity of the systemic disease of devaluation transferred from the Black mother to the Black male child / Tracey McCants Lewis -- Social presence, visibility, and the eye of the beholder: a phenomenology of social embodiment / David Polizzi -- Trayvon Martin, racism, and the dilemma of the African American parent / E. Renée Sanders-Lawson and Bill E. Lawson -- Refusing blackness-as-victimization: Trayvon Martin and the Black cyborgs / João Costa Vargas and Joy A. James -- Politics, moral identity, and the limits of white silence / Samantha Vice -- Trayvon Martin and the tragedy of the new Jim Crow / Cynthia Willett and Julie Willett -- "What are you doing around here?": Trayvon Martin and the logic of Black guilt / Vanessa Wills -- Trayvon Martin: when effortless grace is sacrificed on the altar of the image / George Yancy -- Coda-Through the eyes of a mother: reflections on the rites of passage of Black boyhood / Carol E. Henderson.
Text of Note
Pursuing Trayvon Martin explores the historical implications of the fatal shooting of the unarmed black teen, Trayvon Martin, by George Zimmerman, in a gated community in Sanford, Florida on February 26, 2012. Possibly the first book to explore the case, it will make an important contribution as a source providing important analyses from which later scholars might draw and which will provide a context for understanding many of the issues involved in this case. The book telescopes various themes that are important to a broad market: Race, masculinity, racial profiling, racist stereotyping, blac.
Pursuing Trayvon Martin.
International Standard Book Number
Martin, Trayvon,1995-2012.
Zimmerman, George,1983-
Martin, Trayvon,1995-2012.
Zimmerman, George,1983-
Neighborhood watch programs-- United States.
Racial profiling in law enforcement-- United States.
Racism-- United States.
Stereotypes (Social psychology)-- United States.
Neighborhood watch programs.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Political Freedom & Security-- Law Enforcement.