In Christ no more male and female? The question of gender and redemption in the New Testament -- Gender and redemption in the patristic era : conflicting perspectives -- Male scholastics and women mystics in medieval theology -- Male reformers, feminist humanists, and Quakers in the Reformation -- Shakers and feminist abolitionists in nineteenth-century North America -- Feminist theologies in twentieth-century Western Europe -- Feminist, womanist, and mujerista theologies in twentieth-century North America -- Feminist theologies in Latin America, Africa, and Asia -- Emerging feminist theologies : post-coloniality and the voices of the Fourth World.
Text of Note
"Rosemary Radford Ruether's authoritative, award-winning critique of women's unequal standing in the church, which explored the complex history of redemption in evaluating conflict over the fundamental meaning of the Christian gospel for gender relations, is now in an updated and expanded edition. Ruether highlights women theologians' work to challenge the patriarchal paradigm of historical theology and to present redemption linked to the liberation of women. Ruether turns her attention to the situation of women globally and how the growing plurality of women's voices from multicultural and multireligious contexts articulates feminist liberation theology today."--Publisher description.
Feminist theology.
Redemption-- Christianity-- History of doctrines.
Women-- Religious aspects-- Christianity-- History of doctrines.
Feminist theology.
Women-- Religious aspects-- Christianity-- History of doctrines.