Intro; Foreword; Preface; Contents; About the Author; 1: Introduction to Statistics; 1.1 Definitions of Statistics; 1.2 Origin and Development of Statistics; 1.3 Concept of Probability; 1.4 Definition of Probability; 1.5 Types of Events; 1.6 Different Theories of Probability; 1.6.1 Classical or Priori Probability; 1.6.2 Relative Theory of Probability; 1.6.3 Subjective Approach; 1.6.4 Axiomatic Theory of Probability; 1.7 Uses of Probability; 1.8 Theorems of Probability; 2: Collecting Statistical Data; 2.1 Methods of Collection of Data; 2.1.1 Procedure for Collection of Data.
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2.1.2 Planning the Study2.1.3 Devising the Questions and Making the Schedule; 2.1.4 Population and Samples; 2.1.5 Using Schedules to Obtain the Information; 2.1.6 Editing the Schedules; 2.1.7 Organizing the Data; 2.1.8 Presentation and Analysis; 3: Tabulated Presentation of Data; 3.1 Examples Depicting Tabulated Presentation of Data; 4: Diagrammatic Presentation of Data; 4.1 Usefulness; 4.2 Limitations; 4.3 Characteristics of Diagrams and Rules for Drawing These; 4.4 Different Types of Diagrams; 5: Graphic Presentation of Data; 5.1 Construction of Graph; 5.2 Choice of Scale.
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5.3 Plotting of Data5.4 Graphs of Time Series or Historigrams; 5.5 Comparison of Time Series; 5.6 Semilogarithmic Scale; 5.7 Interpretations of Semilog Curves; 5.8 Properties of a Logarithmic Scale; 5.9 Normal Frequency Curve: Properties of Normal Frequency Curve Are Given Below; 5.10 Moderately Asymmetrical Curve; 5.11 Extremely Asymmetrical Curve; 6: Measures of Central Tendency; 6.1 Properties of Average; 6.2 Characteristics of ``Representative Average;́́ 6.3 Types of Averages; 6.4 Arithmetic Mean (); 6.5 Arithmetic Mean () of Ungrouped Data; 6.6 Arithmetic Mean () of Grouped Data.
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6.22 Calculating Mode () in Grouped Data6.23 Properties of Mode (); 6.24 Comparison of Mean (); 6.25 When to Use Mean ()?; 6.25.1 Use of Mean (); 6.25.2 Use of Median (); 6.25.3 Use of Mode (); 6.26 Quartiles, Deciles, and Percentiles; 7: Measures of Dispersion; 7.1 Definition; 7.2 Various Measures of Dispersion; 7.2.1 Range; 7.2.2 Quartile Deviation; 7.2.3 Mean Deviation; 7.2.4 Standard Deviation; 7.3 Symbols Representing the Standard Deviation; 7.4 Symbols Used in Statistical Analysis; 7.5 Formulae for Calculating Standard Deviation from Ungrouped Data.
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6.7 Shortcut Method for Calculating ``Mean ́́()6.8 Merits and Drawbacks of Mean (): As Listed in Table 6.4; 6.9 Geometric Mean (ā); 6.10 Usefulness of Geometric Mean (ā); 6.11 Merits and Drawbacks of Geometric Mean (): As Listed in Table 6.7; 6.12 Weighted Mean; 6.13 Crude Death Rate (CDR); 6.14 Standardized Death Rate (SDR); 6.15 Median (); 6.16 Usefulness of Median (); 6.17 The Computation of Median () of Unclassified Data; 6.18 The Computation of Median () of Classified Data; 6.19 Merits and Drawbacks of Median (); 6.20 Mode (); 6.21 Calculating Mode () in Ungrouped Data.
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This book covers all aspects of statistical methods in detail with applications. It presents solutions to the needs of post-graduate medical students, doctors and basic medical scientists for statistical evaluation of data. In present era, dependency on softwares for statistical analysis is eroding the basic understanding of the statistical methods and their applications. As a result, there are very few basic medical scientists capable of analyzing their research data due to lack of knowledge and ability. This book has been written in systematic way supported by figures and tables for basic understanding of various terms, definitions, formulae and applications of statistical methods with solved examples and graphic presentation of data to create interest in this mathematical science.
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Springer Nature
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Statistical methods in medical research.
International Standard Book Number
Medical statistics.
Internal Medicine.
Statistics for Life Sciences, Medicine, Health Sciences.