Includes bibliographical references (pages 245-258) and indexes.
Text of Note
A short history of Platonic interpretation and the "third way" / Francisco J. Gonzalez -- Reflections on the orality and literacy of Plato's dialogues / Jackson P. Hershbell -- Plato's audiences, or how Plato replies to the fifth-century intellectual mistrust of letters / Elinor J.M. West -- Neither published nor perished: the dialogues as speech, not text / Joanne Waugh -- Socrates' rhetorical attack on rhetoric / David Roochnik -- Apodeiknunai, dialegesthai, peithein: a reconstruction of Plato's methods of argument in the Phaedo / P. Christopher Smith -- Methodology in the reading of the Timaeus and Politicus / T.M. Robinson -- How to read a Platonic dialogue / James A. Arieti -- Plato's dialogues as enactments / Gerald A. Press -- Self-knowledge, practical knowledge, and insight: Plato's dialectic and the dialogue form / Francisco J. Gonzalez -- Dogma, skepticism, and dialogue / Walter Watson -- The dialogical composition of Plato's Parmenides / Victorino Tejera -- The choice between the dialogues and the "unwritten teachings": a Scylla and Charybdis for the interpreter? / Mitchell Miller.