1: An Introduction to Microeconomics -- 2: Supply and Demand -- 3: The Theory of Consumer Choice -- 4: Individual and Market Demand -- 5: Using Consumer Choice Theory -- 6: Exchange, Efficiency, and Prices -- 7: Production -- 8: The Cost of Production -- 9: Profit Maximization in Perfectly Competitive Markets -- 10: Using the Competitive Model -- 11: Monopoly -- 12: Product Pricing with Monopoly Power -- 13: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly -- 14: Game Theory and the Economics of Information -- 15: Using Noncompetitive Market Models -- 16: Employment and Pricing of Inputs -- 17: Wages, Rent, Interest, and Profit -- 18: Using Input Market Analysis -- 19: General Equilibrium Analysis and Economic Efficiency -- 20: Public Goods and Externalities
Text of Note
The twelfth edition of this text takes advantage of graphs and accessible text to teach the foundations of microeconomic theories and principles.