CHALLENGES AND BENEFITS OF HOMEOWNERSHIP: Conversations with Low-Income Homeowners in North Minneapolis
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Berglund, Lisa
Text of Note
Homeownership as a cultural mainstay has proved difficult for low-income Americans both post-recession and in times of post-disaster recovery. This paper examines the challenges and benefits of homeownership for low-income homeowners of North Minneapolis struggling to maintain their homes in the aftermath of two crises: the great recession and a devastating tornado. Furthermore, this research examines the challenges of ownership for this vulnerable population in light if its role in the formation of place attachment to home. Data for this paper was gathered through an ethnographic study of low-income North Minneapolis homeowners being assisted by the home repair non-profit Rebuilding Together Twin Cities. Gaining an understanding of the issues faced by low-income homeowners experiencing the adverse effects of the housing crisis as well as a natural disaster will illuminate the complex nature of ownership and place attachment, and allow us to serve communities in need in a way that is conscientious of their experiences.