Wiley series in probability and statistics. Survey methodology section
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"Wiley-Interscience publication."
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Part 1. Basic concepts -- 1. Uses of sample surveys -- 2. The population and the sample -- Part 2. Major sampling designs and estimation procedures -- 3. Simple random sampling -- 4. Systematic sampling -- 5. Stratification and stratified random sampling -- 6. Stratified random sampling: Further issues -- 7. Ratio estimation -- 8. Cluster sampling: Introduction and overview -- 9. Simple one-stage cluster sampling -- 10. Two-stage cluster sampling: Clusters sampled with equal probability -- 11. Cluster sampling in which clusters are sampled with unequal probability: Probability proportional to size sampling -- 12. Variance estimation in complex sample surveys -- Part 3. Selected topics in sample survey methodology -- 13. Nonresponse and missing data in sample surveys -- 14. Selected topics in sample design and estimation methodology -- 15. Telephone sampling -- 16. Strategies for design-based analysis of sample survey data.
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"Now in its third edition, this sampling text continues to provide a readable, practical treatment of the subject. Keeping the mathematics to a minimum, it walks the reader through real-world sample surveys - from sampling designs to problems of missing data and nonresponse to estimation procedures. This expanded and updated edition reflects the many developments in the field since the publication of the Second Edition, including the latest methods of multistage sampling, analysis of sample survey data, and software manipulation."--Jacket.