BOOK COVER; TITLE; COPYRIGHT; Foreword; Preface; CONTENTS; Peri operative management 1; Peri operative management 2; Trauma; Intensive care; Neoplasia techniques and outcome of surgery; Locomotor System; Vascular; Head neck endocrine and paediatric; Urinary system and renal transplantation; TIPS FOR THE VIVA VOCE EXAMINATION.
Text of Note
This book follows closely the syllabus for the MRCS (AFRCS in Edinburgh) diploma. It contains 200 MCQs with 1,000 specific questions covering the whole syllabus. The questions are grouped in the same fashion as in the syllabus to facilitate self-assessment prior to the MCQ and viva examination. Candidates who are successful in the MCQ examinations will be examined in a viva voce examination covering all aspects of surgery and a clinical examination. This part of the examination is designed to assess the ability of the candidate to apply their knowledge. It is essential to understand the questio.