Behavioral genetics and personality / Robert Plomin and Avshalom Caspi -- The neuroscience of personality / Alan D. Pickering and Jeffrey A. Gray -- Personality continuity and change across the life course / Avshalom Caspi and Brent W. Roberts -- On the development of personality / Michael Lewis -- Personality and psychopathology / Thomas A. Widiger, Roel Verheul, and Winn van den Brink -- On the interface between personality and social psychology / Roy F. Baumeister -- The cultural constitution of personality / Susan E. Cross and Hazel R. Markus.
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History of modern personality theory and research / David G. Winter and Nicole B. Barenbaum -- Human nature and individual differences : the evolution of human personality / David M. Buss -- Psychoanalytic approaches to personality / Drew Westen and Glen O. Gabbard -- The big five trait taxonomy : history, measurement, and theoretical perspectives / Oliver P. John and Sanjay Srivastava -- A five-factor theory of personality / Robert R. McCrae and Paul T. Costa, Jr. -- Social cognitive theory of personality / Albert Bandura -- Integrating dispositions and processing dynamics within a unified theory of personality : the cognitive-affective personality system / Walter Mischel and Yuichi Shoda -- Holistic interactionism : a perspective for research on personality development / David Magnusson.
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Temperament : a new paradigm for trait psychology / Lee Anna Clark and David Watson -- The psychological unconscious / John F. Kihlstrom -- Naturalizing the self / Richard W. Robins, Julie K. Norem, and Jonathan M. Cheek -- Personal narratives and the life story / Dan P. McAdams -- Personality and motivation : personal action and the conative evolution / Brian R. Little -- Emotion and emotion regulation / James J. Gross -- Stress, coping, and self-regulatory processes / Charles S. Carver and Michael F. Scheier -- Personality and health : dispositions and processes in disease susceptibility and adaptation to illness / Richard J. Contrada, Corinne Cather, and Ann O'Leary -- Attribution in personality psychology / Bernard Weiner and Sandra Graham -- Creativity and genius / Dean Keith Simonton -- The fields of interpersonal behavior / Jerry S. Wiggins and Krista K. Trobst -- Four principles for personality assessment / Daniel J. Ozer -- Epilogue : Constancy and change in personality theory / Lawrence A. Pervin.
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The revised second edition provides a historical overview of modern personality theory, brings major theoretical perspectives into focus, and reports on the current state of the science on a range of key domains.