Book Cover; Title; Contents; Acknowledgments; A Biographical Introduction; Works; Songs and Duets; Sacred Works; Secular Choral Works; Chamber Works; Orchestral Works; Stage Works; Harp Works; Miscellaneous Works; Editions; Enqutes; Interviews; Prefaces to monographs and editions; Miscellaneous; Correspondence; Articles; Primary Sources; Canada; France; Germany; Great Britain; Switzerland; Bibliography; Life; Encyclopedia articles; Biographical articles, general histories, and memoirs; Obituaries and tributes at the time of Faure's death; Other tributes; Faure and the Niedermeyer School
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Collected Source MaterialsContents of Association des amis de Gabriel Faure: Bulletin and Etudes faureennes; Collections of Essays, Special Issues of Periodicals; A Check-list of Masters Theses; Useful Recordings; Author Index
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Faure, the organ, and the MadeleineFaure and the Conservatoire; Faure and Brahms; Faure and Debussy; Faure and Proust; Faure and Ravel; Faure and Saint-Sans; Faure, personal philosophy, and religious belief; Faure and Belgium; Faure and travel; Faure, patrons, and business affairs; Faure as critic; Faure's influence on later composers; Technical discussions; Songs and duets; Sacred works; Secular choral works; Piano works; Harp works; Chamber works; Orchestral works; Stage works; Miscellaneous pieces; Discographies; Miscellaneous; Oddities; Afterword; Directions for Research
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This work is part of a series which presents information on composers. Each volume offers annotated lists of all writings in major languages plus lists of works by the composers, biographical sketches and guides to library resources, organizations.