How techno-entrepreneurs build a potentially exciting future? / Sylvie Blanco -- A model of technological entrepreneurship / Igor Prodan -- Exchange relationships in technoentrepreneurship research / Helena Yli-Renko -- S & T commercialization strategies and practices / Dianne I. Isabelle -- From the exploration of new possibilities to the exploitation of recently developed competencies / Annaleena Parhankangas & David L. Hawk -- Fostering entrepreneurial firms / Behrend Freese, Thomas Keil & Thorsten Teichert -- Mentoring of Malaysian high-tech entrepreneurs in their pre-seeding phase / Khairul Akmaliah Adham & Mohd Fuaad Said -- University technology transfer through university business incubators and how they help start-ups / Christian Lendner -- Determinants and consequences of university spin-off activity / Rory O'Shea -- The size and the characteristics of the high-tech spin-off phenomenon in Sophia Antipolis / Michael Bernasconi & Dominique Jolly -- What is e-entrepreneurship? / Tobias Kollmann -- Exploring the socio-demographic characteristics of the e-entrepreneur / Antonio Padilla-Meléndez, Christian Serarols-Tarres & Anna Rosa Del Águila-Obra -- Virtual alliances as coordination and influence mechanisms in the Internet context / Lalit Manral -- The St. Louis BioBelt, centre for plant and life sciences / Edward L. Bayham, Jerome A. Katz, Robert Calcaterra & Joseph Zahner -- Small businesses for high targets / Nicola Dellepiane.
Text of Note
Techno-entrepreneurship is broadly defined as the entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial activities of both existing and nascent companies operating in technology-intensive environments. Boasting rich conceptual and empirical contributions by leading international specialists, this highly original Handbook will prove an invaluable tool in advancing our understanding of the theory and practice of research in this emerging area. The expert contributors initially explore the foundations of the field, clearly defining the parameters of techno-entrepreneurship. The key processes of techno-entrepreneur.