1. What is New England? -- Part 1: Physical environment -- 2. The rocks beneath -- 3. Sunshine, snow, wind and rain -- 4. Wildlife -- 5. The vegetated landscape -- 6. Land and livelihood -- Part 2: First peoples -- 7. Seeing red: usings on rock art -- 8. Aboriginal archaeology -- 9. The frontier -- 10. Aboriginal people and pastoralism -- 11. Aborigines and citizens -- Part 3: Newcomers -- 12. Passing through -- 13. Colonial settlement -- 14. Homesteads -- 15. Schools -- 16. Religious life -- 17. Twentieth-century immigrants -- 18. Travelling and communicating -- 19. Enterprise and ingenuity -- 20. Politics -- 21. War and its memories -- 22. The archaeoology of the new peoples -- 23. Collecting and presenting the past -- Part 4: Representations -- 24. Imagining New England -- 25. A university becoming -- 26. Stories and prose -- 27. Music -- 28. Theatre -- 29. Film -- 30. Visual arts -- Epilogue: 'a high lean country/full of old stories'.
Text of Note
High Lean Country captures the rich history and haunting character of the New England region of northern New South Wales. The authors explore how memory - of land, of family, of patterns of life on the other side of the world - has influenced the identity of New England. They also consider how the high country itself has shaped its people and their sense of regional uniqueness. In doing so, this book sets a new direction for understanding Australia as a whole.
Art - Rock art.
Economic sectors - Agriculture and horticulture - Pastoral industry.