Morphisms of pseudogroups and foliated maps / Álvarez López, X. Masa -- Codimension-one foliations with a transversely contracting flow / M. Asaoka -- On infinitesimal derivatives of the Bott class / T. Asuke -- Dense orbits for abelian subgroups of GL(n, C) / A. Ayadi, H. Marzougui -- Hirsch foliations in codimension greater than one / A. Biś, S. Hurder, J. Shive -- Extrinsic geometry of foliations on 3-manifolds / D. Bolotov -- Classification of Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms with the chain of saddles on 3-manifolds / C. Bonatti, V. Grines, O. Pochinka -- Extrinsic geometry of foliations / M. Czarnecki, P. Walczak -- Surface dynamical systems and foliations via geodesic laminations / V. Grines, E. Zhuzhoma -- On rigidity of submanifolds tangent to nonintegrable distributions / T. Inaba -- Transversal twistor spinors on a Riemannian foliation / S.D. Jung -- A Birkhhoff section for the Bonatti-Langevin example of Anosov flow / S. Kamatani, H. Kodama, T. Noda -- A remark on a relation between foliations and number theory / F. Kopei -- Noncommutative spectral geometry of Riemannian foliations: some results and open problems / Y. Kordyukov -- A survey on simplicial volume and invariants of foliations and laminations / T. Kuessner -- Harmonic foliations of the plane, a conformal approach / R. Langevin -- Consecutive shifts along orbits of vector fields / S. Maksymenko -- A Lie algebroid and a Dirac structure associated to an almost Dirac structure / K. Mikami, T. Mizutani -- Convergence of contact structures to foliations / Y. Mitsumatsu -- Generalized equivariant index theory / K. Richardson -- Vanishing results for spectral terms of a Riemannian foliation / V. Slesar -- The generalized Weyl group of a singular Riemannian foliation / D. Töben -- On the group of foliation preserving diffeomorphisms / T. Tsuboi -- Conformally defined geometry on foliated Riemannian manifolds / P. Walczak -- Problem set / S. Hurder -- List of participants -- Program.
Text of Note
This volume takes a look at the current state of the theory of foliations, with surveys and research articles concerning different aspects. The focused aspects cover geometry of foliated Riemannian manifolds, Riemannian foliations and dynamical properties of foliations and some aspects of classical dynamics related to the field. Among the articles readers may find a study of foliations which admit a transverse contractive flow, an extensive survey on non-commutative geometry of Riemannian foliations, an article on contact structures converging to foliations, as well as a few articles on confo.