Introduction; 1. Academic Freedom -- Philosophy; 2. Academic Freedom -- History (General); 3. Academic Freedom -- History (1915 to World War II); 4. Academic Freedom -- History (Cold War); 5. Academic Freedom -- History (1960-1979); 6. Current Issues and General Trends; 7. Academic Freedom and the Culture Wars; 8. Academic Freedom and Religion; 9. Tenure -- Defense, Critiques and Alternatives; 10. Academic Freedom in Other Countries; 11. World Wide Web Sites; Name Index; Subject Index.
Text of Note
The freedom of academics to pursue knowledge and truth in their research, writing, and teaching is a fundamental principle of contemporary higher education in the United States. But this freedom has been hard won and regularly abridged, reinterpreted, and violated. Academic freedom has been central to many issues and controversies in higher education and has thus generated literature in a variety of disciplines. This book provides access to that literature.