Quantitative Description of the Morphology Evolution and Crystallization Kinetics in Thin Films / Vladimir I. Trofimov -- Overview of the Effects of Shot Peening on Plastic Strain, Work Hardening and Residual Stresses / Baskaran Bhuvaraghan, M.S. Sivakumar and Om Prakash -- Vibrational Dynamics of Bulk MetallicGlasses Studied by Pseudopotential Theory / Aditya M. Vora -- A Computational Study of the Phonon Dynamics of Some Complex Oxides / Prafulla K. Jha and Mina Talati -- Diffusion Mechanisms Near Tilt Grain Boundaries in Ni, Cu, Al and Ni[subscript 3]Al / G.M. Poletaev, M.D. Starostenkov and S.V. Dmitriev -- Computational Materials: III-V Semiconductor Clusters / Hamidreza Simchi -- Computational Prognoses of Damage Growth and Failure in Some Steel Elements of a Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal Covering the Temperature Range of the Ductile-to-Brittle Transition Region / J. Jackiewicz -- Porosity and Mechanical Propelties of Cement Mortars Based on Microstructural Investigation / Ali Ugur Ozturk and Bulent Baradan -- Cleavage Fracture Crystallography / J. Flaquer and A. Martin-Meizoso -- Theoretical Simnlation on Molecular Electronic Materials and Molecular Devices / Jianwei Zhao, Yanwei Li and Hongmei Liu -- Numerical Simulation of the Curing Process of Rubber Articles / Mir Hamid Reza Ghoreishy -- Relaxation Element Method in Mechanics of Deformed Solid / Yeo Yeo Deryugin, G. Lasko and S. Schmauder.