Introduction / Julian Wolfreys -- Mikhail Bakhtin and Bakhtinian criticism. Notes towards a reading of A portrait of the artist as a young man / R. Brandon Kershner -- Roland Barthes and structuralist criticism. Notes towards a reading of Middlemarch / K.M. Newton -- Will the real feminist theory please stand up? Notes towards readings of Middlemarch and Mrs. Dalloway / Ruth Robbins -- The politics of literature : marxist literary theories. Notes towards a reading of Mrs. Dalloway / Moyra Haslett -- There is no such thing as reader-response theory. Notes towards a reading of Mrs. Dalloway / Martin McQuillan.
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The self, the other and the text : psychoanalytic criticism. Notes towards a reading of The tempest / Jill Barker -- Deconstruction, what remains unread. Notes towards a reading of In memoriam A.H.H. / Julian Wolfreys -- Criticism and creativity : poststructuralist theories. Notes towards a reading of Mrs. Dalloway / Mark Currie -- History, power and politics in the literary artifact : new historicism. Notes towards readings of The tempest and In memoriam A.H.H. / John Brannigan -- Conflict and contradiction : cultural materialism. Notes towards readings of The tempest and In memoriam A.H.H. / John Brannigan -- Postcolonialism and the difficulty of difference. Notes towards readings of The tempest and The swimming-pool library / Gail Ching-Liang Low and Julian Wolfreys.
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Works on the Wild(e) side--performing, transgressing, queering : gay studies/queer theories. Notes towards a reading of The swimming-pool library / Jane Goldman and Julian Wolfreys -- Theorizing culture, reading ourselves : cultural studies. Notes towards readings of The swimming-pool library and Prospero's books / Kenneth Womack -- Postmodernism and postmodernity : literature, criticism, philosophy, culture. Notes towards a reading of The tempest / Arkady Plotnitsky.
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This volume is an ideal introduction for those coming to literary theory for the first time. The essays provide an accessible introduction to the major theoretical approaches.