Front Cover; Advances in Clinical Chemistry, Volume 15; Copyright Page; Contents; List of Contributors; Corbet Page Stewart; Preface; Chapter 1. Automated, High-Resolution Analyses for the Clinical Laboratory by Liquid Column Chromatography; 1. Introduction; 2. Analytical Systems; 3. Description of Analyzers; 4. Experimental Results and Applications; 5. Utility and Future of High-Resolution Analytical Systems; References; Chapter 2. Acid Phosphatase; 1. Introduction; 2. Methods of Determination of Acid Phosphatase Activity
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3. Acid Phosphatases from Different Tissues: Purification, Isoenzymes, and Properties4. Intracellular Distribution of Acid Phosphatase; 5. Polymorphism of Acid Phosphatase in Human Erythrocytes; 6. Alterations of Serum Acid Phosphatase Activity in Disease; 7. Lysosomal Disease and Acid Phosphatase Activity; References; Chapter 3. Normal and Abnormal Human Hemoglobins; 1. Introduction; 2. Normal Human Hemoglobins; 3. Hemglobin Abnormalities; 4. Thalassemia; 5. The Genetic Heterogeneity of Fetal Hemoglobin (With Walter A. Schroeder); 6. Methodology (With Ruth N. Wrightstone); References
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7. Micro- and Radiowave Spectroscopy8. Nucleonics and X-Ray Methods; 9. Particle Spectrometry; 10. Chromatography; 11. Electrophoresis; 12. Electrometric Methods; 13. Conclusions; References; Author Index; Subject Index; Contents of Previous Volumes
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Chapter 4. The Endocrine Response to Trauma1. Introduction; 2. Adrenocortical Secretion; 3. Anterior Pituitary; 4. Posterior Pituitary; 5. Insulin and Carbohydrate Metabolism; 6. Catecholamines; 7. Kidney Hormones; 8. Thyroid; 9. Activation of the Endocrine Response; 10. Adrenocortical Insufficiency; 11. Summary; References; Chapter 5. Instrumentation in Clinical Chemistry; 1. Introduction; 2. General Principles of Instrumentation; 3. Atomic Spectroscopy; 4. Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrophotometers; 5. Fluorimeters and Phosphorimeters; 6. Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy