STRENGTH OF MATERIALS; CONTENTS; PREFACE; HIGH TEMPERATURE MECHANICAL PROPERTIESAND MICROSTRUCTURE OF SIC-BASED FIBERSUNDER SEVERE ENVIRONMENTS; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Materials System and Characterization Technique; 2.1. Materials System; 2.2. Methodology; 2.2.1. Single Fiber Tensile Test Technique; 2.2.2. Bending Stress Relaxation Test; 2.2.3. Microstructural Characterization; 3. Basic Characteristics; 3.1. Fiber Diameter Variation Analysis; 3.1.1. Fiber Diameter Variation within a Tow; 3.1.2. Fiber Diameter Variation along the Fiber Length; 3.2. XRD Patterns.
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2.2. Constitutive Modeling2.3. Finite Element Formulation; 2.4. Time Integration; 3. Constrained Sigma-point Kalman Filtering; 3.1. Parameter Identification via Joint Kalman Filtering; 3.2. Accuracy of a Constrained Sigma-point Transformation; 4. Results; 4.1. Pseudo-experimental Testings; 4.2. Actual Experimental Testings; 5. Conclusion; References; CURRENT STATE OF THE ART OF THE CERAMICCOMPOSITE MATERIAL BIOLOX®DELTA; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. International Material Standards; ISO 6474 -- 1 Implants for Surgery -- Ceramic Materials -- Part 1: CeramicMaterials Based on High Purity Alumina.
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3.3. Tensile Properties and Fracture Surface3.4. Correlation between Tensile Strength and Fiber Diameter; 3.5. Correlation between Tensile Strength and Mirror Size; 3.6. Fracture Toughness and Critical Fracture Energy; 3.6.1. Fracture Toughness; 3.6.2 Critical Fracture Energy; 4. Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Under VariousEnvironments; 4.1. Heat Treatment at Elevated Temperatures; 4.1.1. Correlation between Tensile Strength, Crystal Size and HeatTreatment Temperatures; 4.1.2. Microstructure; 4.1.3. BSR Creep Resistance; 4.1.4. Fracture Toughness and Critical Fracture Energy.
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4.2. Annealing and Creep in Various Oxygen Partial Pressures4.2.1. Morphologies of Fibers; (a) Under Annealing and Creep in Air; (b) Under Annealing and Creep in HP-Ar; (c) Under Annealing and Creep in UHP-Ar; 4.2.2. Tensile Properties; 4.2.3. Creep Resistance; 4.3. Thermal Exposure Under Loading; 4.3.1. Tensile Properties; 4.3.2. Morphology; 5. Tensile Creep Prediction by Long Time BSR Test; 5.1. Bend Stress Relaxation and its Relation to the Tensile Creep; 5.2. BSR Tests at Elevated Temperatures; 5.3. Prediction of Tensile Creep from BSR Data; 6. Conlusion; Acknowledgements; References.
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IONOMERS AS CANDIDATES FOR STRUCTURALMATERIALSAbstract; Introduction; Advantages/Disadvantages of Ions in Polymers; Roles of Ions in Properties of Polymers; Research in Ionic Polymers; Ionomers as Stand-Alone Polymers; Ionomers in Nanocomposites; Ionomers as Blend Compatibilizers; Commentary and Current and Future Directions of IonomerResearch in the Field of Structural Materials; References; FAILURE OF LAYERED COMPOSITES SUBJECTTO IMPACTS: CONSTITUTIVE MODELINGAND PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION ISSUES; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Dynamics of Layered Composites; 2.1. Governing Relations.
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ISO 6474 -- 2. Implants for Surgery -- Ceramic Materials -- Part 2: CompositeMaterials Based on a High Purity Alumina Matrix withZirconia Reinforcement.