Article 1. The American community survey -- Article 2. Summary of articles from the 2006 and 2007 editions of the Monthly labor review -- Article 3. Guidance on differences in employment and unemployment estimates from different sources -- Population, labor force, and employment status -- Employment, hours, and earnings -- Occupational employment and wages -- Labor force and employment projections by industry and occupation -- Productivity and costs -- Compensation of employees -- Prices -- Consumer expenditures -- Occupational safety and health -- Labor management relations -- Foreign labor and price statistics -- American time use survey -- Income in the United States (Census Bureau).
Text of Note
The Handbook of U.S. Labor Statistics continues and enhances the Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS) discontinued publication, Labor Statistics. It brings recent, authoritative data from the BLS and other government and private agencies togetherinto a convenient, single-volume source of labor data. The handbook provides recent and historical data on U.S. employment, earnings, prices, productivity, living conditions, and related topics. This popular resource also includes data on training, alternative work arrangements, union affiliation, and occupational injuries.