Ch. 1. A historical perspective on cognitive neuroscience / Todd E. Feinberg and Martha J. Farah -- Ch. 2. Structural imaging of patients in cognitive neuroscience / Hanna Damasio and Antonio R. Damasio -- Ch. 3. Functional imaging in cognitive neuroscience I : basic principles / Geoffrey Karl Aguirre -- Ch. 4. Functional imaging in cognitive neuroscience II : imaging patients / Cathy J. Price and Karl J. Friston -- Ch. 5. Electrophysiological methods, including transcranial magnetic stimulation, in cognitive neuroscience / Leon Y. Deouell, Richard B. Ivry and Robert T. Knight -- Ch. 6. Studying plasticity in the damaged and normal brain / Albert M. Galaburda and Alvaro Pascual-Leone -- Ch. 7. Computational modeling of patients in cognitive neuroscience / Martha J. Farah -- Ch. 8. Visual perception and visual imagery / Martha J. Farah -- Ch. 9. Visual object agnosia / Martha J. Farah and Todd E. Feinberg -- Ch. 10. Prosopagnosia / Martha J. Farah -- Ch. 11. Visuospatial function / Martha J. Farah -- Ch. 12. Auditory agnosia and amusia / Russell M. Bauer and Carrie R. McDonald -- Ch. 13. Disorders of body perception and representation / Georg Goldenberg -- Ch. 14. Neglect I : clinical and anatomical issues / Kenneth M. Heilman, Robert T. Watson and Edward Valenstein -- Ch. 15. Neglect II : cognitive issues / Anjan CHatterjee and H. Branch Coslett -- Ch. 16. Aphasia I : clinical and anatomical issues / Michael P. Alexander -- Ch. 17. Aphasia II : cognitive issues / Eleanor M. Saffran -- Ch. 18. Aphasia III : rehabilitation / Myrna F. Schwartz and Ruth B. Fink -- Ch. 19. Aphasia IV : acquired disorders of language in children / Maureen Dennis -- Ch. 20. Acquired disorders of reading / H. Branch Coslett -- Ch. 21. The aprosodias / Elliott D. Ross -- Ch. 22. Frontal lobes I : clinical and anatomical issues / Bruce L. Miller, D. Frank Benson and Julene K. Johnson -- Ch. 23. Frontal lobes II : cognitive issues / Martha J. Farah -- Ch. 24. Amnesia I : clinical and anatomical issues / Matthias Brand and Hans J. Markowitsch -- Ch. 25. Amnesia II : cognitive issues / Margaret M. Keane and Mieke Verfaellie -- Ch. 26. Confabulation / Todd E. Feinberg and Joseph T. Giacino -- Ch. 27. Semantic memory impairments / Martha J. Farah and Murray Grossman -- Ch. 28. Acalculia and number processing disorders / Stanislas Dehaene -- Ch. 29. Disorders of skilled movements : limb apraxia / Kenneth M. Heilman, Robert T. Watson and Leslie J. Gonzalez Rothi -- Ch. 30. Callosal disconnection / Kathleen Baynes and Michael S. Gazzaniga -- Ch. 31. Alzheimer's disease / William Milberg and Regina McGlinchey-Berroth -- Ch. 32. Frontotemporal dementia / Mario F. Mendez -- Ch. 33. Dementia in Parkinson's disease, Huntington's desease, and related disorders / Diane M. Jacobs, Gilberto Levy and Karen Marder -- Ch. 34. Mental retardation / Kytja K.S. Voeller -- Ch. 35. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder / Bruce F. Pennington and Nomita Chhabildas -- Ch. 36. Autism and related conditions / Nancy J. Minshew and Jessica A. Meyer -- Ch. 37. Developmental reading disorders / Maureen W. Lovett and Roderick W. Barron -- Ch. 38. Molecular genetics of cognitive developmental disorders / James Swanson, John Fossella Deborah Grady, Robert Moyzis, Pam Flodman, Anne Spence and Michael Posner.
Text of Note
The cognitive disorders that follow brain damage are an important source of insights into the neural bases of human thought. This work offers state-of-the-art reviews of the patient-based approach to central issues in cognitive neuroscience by leaders in the field.