Introduction: thinking about information strategy / John Arquilla -- 1. The rhetoric of terror: "war" as misplaced metaphor / Frank J. Barrett and Theodore R. Sarbin -- 2. Al-Qaeda and its affiliates: a global tribe waging segmental warfare / David Ronfeldt -- 3. Winning hearts and minds: a social influence analysis / Anthony R. Pratkanis -- 4. Jihadi information strategy: sources, opportunities, and vulnerabilities / Glenn E. Robinson -- 5. Reorganizing for public diplomacy / Carnes Lord -- 6. The one-percent solution: costs and benefits of military deception / Barton Whaley -- 7. Strategy and psychological operations / Hy S. Rothstein -- 8. Assessing the computer network operations threat of foreign countries / Dorothy R. Denning -- 9. Blogs and military information strategy / James Kinniburgh and Dorothy Denning -- Conclusion: why is information strategy difficult? / Douglas A. Borer.
Text of Note
"This book discusses the decisive role that information and information strategy now plays in modern warfare. Information strategy is developed here as a new kind of power that can stand on its own as a distinct, increasingly influential tool of statecraft." "Three principal themes are explored in this volume. First, the rise of the "information domain" itself, and of information strategy as an equal partner alongside traditional military strategy. Second, the need to consider the organizational implications of information strategy. Third, the realm of what has been called "information operations." Throughout this book, information operations is portrayed as comprising all manner of conduits for information transmission, but also as being critically dependent upon good content."--Jacket.