Acknowledgements; Abbreviations and acronyms; Preface; Introduction; Chapter 1: From the blue-whale unit to the revised management scheme; Chapter 2: Management and numbers; Chapter 3: Environmental threats to cetaceans and the limits of the IWC; Chapter 4: Incidental capture; Chapter 5: whaling under scientific auspices; Chapter 6: Humane killing; Chapter 7: Non-lethal utilization and the Irish Proposal; Chapter 8: Aboriginal subsistence whaling; Chapter 9: Sanctuaries; Chapter 10: Small cetaceans; Chapter 11: The primacy of the IWC and related international organizations.
Text of Note
Whaling Diplomacy is the only book that addresses all of the substantive issues relating to the conservation of whales through the International Whaling Commission (IWC). It covers the law, policy, science and philosophy at the heart of each element of the debate, discussing how it has developed, the current problems that beset it and what is necessary for the future.