Includes bibliographical references (pages 247-267) and index.
Text of Note
Narrating cultural resurgence: genre and self-representation for Pan-Mayan writers / Kay B. Warren -- Autoethnography as political resistance: a case from Socialist Romania / David A. Kideckel -- The power of biography: criminal policy, prison life, and the formation of criminal identities in the Swedish welfare state / Birgitta Svensson -- Lives writ large: kabyle self-portraits and the question of identity / Henk Driessen -- Leaving home: schooling stories and the ethnography of autoethnography in rural France / Deborah E. Reed-Danahay.
Text of Note
Narrating the "I" versus narrating the "Isle": life histories and the problem of representation on Corsica / Alexandra Jaffe -- The taming of revolution: intense paradoxes of the self / Michael Herzfeld -- Writing birthright: on native anthropologists and the politics of representation / Pnina Motzafi-Haller -- Blurred genres and blended voices: life history, biography, autobiography, and the auto/ethnography of women's lives / Caroline B. Brettell.