Part One; All good stories begin with a birth; Postnatal cares in the world; Going right; Go forth and intermingle; Going south; Moving in more ways than one; Jamshed and free will; Born again, not yet; Gateway to something; Jamshed and the meaning of life; About girls; Sharing friends; Working for a living; The marrying kind; Unbirth me now; Unbirth me still; In a word; Part Two; Distillate; Mr Moonalal; In the new beginnings; Another sunny day; Meeting the family; Nowruz Mubarek; First breath, op cit; Piroja; Leaves of dust; It was written; A little schoolhouse in Jhansi.
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Fruit of thy loinsThe question; Either/or; Neither/nor; In words, veritas; The retraction; Nurse, heal thyself; Mother and son reunion; First and again; Gender wending; The name game, Soona or later; That first year and beyond; A little distillery, re-instilled; Voice of unreason; Khajurao; Sibling ribaldry; Indeterminacy; Tug of wear; A little schoolhouse in Dartmouth; Chameleon; A little schoolhouse in Dartmouth, redux; Dopplers, blueshifts, and other gangs; Seeing things; Metropolitan life; Dopplers, redshifts, and other gangs.
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May I introduce to you, the boy you've known for all these years?No escape from reality; Sometimes I wish I'd never been born at all; Nothing really matters; Consult, Panchayat style; This ain't no disco; Garage band; Break free; The band plays on; Moving on; Voiceover; Revisitations; Distilling returns; Sunny sensation; Nowgong.
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The Germans wore blueSt Francis, making strange; Private magic lantern; Dreaming of a white Christmas; A fit profession; Nouroz's return; Years of war, abridged; Massacre on the pitch; Variav redux; Good thoughts, uncertain words, bad deeds; Short goodbyes; Non-nuptials in Nowgong; Irwin Hospital; Swaraj; The May Plan; The June Plan; Partition of the ways; Post-Partition repression; Parvin's ghost; Murder, she wrote; Try, try again; Crazy little thing; Parvin plans ahead; Passage to Canada; Fire and ice, some say; Part Three; Postcards home; Inside and out; ArCee at the VeeGee.