""Title Page""; ""Copyright Page""; ""PREFACE""; ""Table of Contents""; ""Introduction to the Mechanics of Composite Materials""; ""1- Stress""; ""1.1- Stress Components Acting on a Small Element""; ""1.2- Surface Tractions on an Arbitrary Surface""; ""1.3- Equations of Motion""; ""2- Strain""; ""2.1- Linear Strains""; ""2.2- Shear Strains""; ""3- Stress-Strain Behavior""; ""3.1- Hooke's Law""; ""3.2- Poisson's Ratio""; ""3.3- Stress-Strain Relation in Shear""; ""3.4- Stress-Strain Relations for an Orthotropic Solid""; ""3.5- Stress-Strain Relations for a Lamina under Plane Stress""
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""3.4- Effect of geometrical nonlinearities""""3.5- Effect of damping""; ""3.6- Effect of damage""; ""4- Two Degree of Freedom Model""; ""4.1- Contact Laws""; ""4.2- Impact on a Thick Laminate""; ""4.3- Two degree of freedom models""; ""5- Complete Models""; ""6- Impact on Sandwich Structures""; ""6.1- Contact Behavior""; ""Experimental Results""; ""Beam on elastic foundation model for the indentation of a sandwich beam""; ""6.2- SDOF impact models""; ""6.3- Two Degree of Freedom Models""; ""7- Conclusion""; ""References""; ""IMPACT RESPONSE OF LAMINATED AND SANDWICH COMPOSITES""
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""3.6- Coordinate Transformation""""4- Failure Criteria for Composite Materials""; ""4.1- Criteria for Fiber Failure""; ""4.2- Criteria for Matrix Failure""; ""4.3- Delamination Failure Criteria""; ""4.4- Stress Invariants""; ""4.5- Strain Energy Density for Isotropic Solids""; ""4.6- Von Mises Criterion""; ""4.7- Hill�s anisotropic criterion and extensions""; ""4.8- Development of Quadratic Criteria""; ""4.9- Three Dimensional Tsai-Wu Failure Criterion""; ""4.10- Hoffman�s Criterion""; ""4.11- Three-Dimensional Tsai-Hill Criterion""; ""5- Criteria for Delamination Propagation""
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""5.1- Fracture Mechanics Approach""""5.2- Cohesive Element Approach""; ""6- Summary""; ""References""; ""Mechanics of Plates""; ""1- Derivation of the Equations of Motion in terms of Force and Moment Resultants""; ""2- Kinematics Assumptions""; ""3- Classical Plate Theory""; ""3.1- Kinematics of the deformation""; ""3.2- Constitutive Equations""; ""3.3- Equations of Motion for the CPT""; ""4- First Order Shear Deformation Theory""; ""4.1- Kinematics of the Deformation""; ""4.2- Constitutive Equations""; ""5- Limitation of the CPT and the FSDT""; ""6- Reddy Shear Deformation Theory""
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""6.1- Kinematics of the Deformation""""6.2- Constitutive Equations""; ""7- Limitation of the CPT, FSDT and RSDT""; ""8- Theories Including Deformations in the Transverse Direction""; ""9- Dynamic Response""; ""9.1- Free Vibrations""; ""9.2- Modal Superposition""; ""9.3- SDOF Model""; ""10- Conclusion""; ""11- Acknowledgements""; ""References""; ""Impact Dynamics""; ""1- Introduction""; ""2- Rigid Body Impacts""; ""3- Quasi-Static Approximation""; ""3.1- Single Degree of Freedom Model""; ""3.2- Effect of the Weight of the Projectile""; ""3.3- Effect of the Mass of the Structure""
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The book provides an introduction to the mechanics of composite materials, written for graduate students and practitioners in industry. It examines ways to model the impact event, to determine the size and severity of the damage and discusses general trends observed during experiments.