Inspiring leaders : an introduction / Ronald J. Burke -- Full range leadership : model, research, extensions, and training / John J. Sosik -- Entering the fundamental state of leadership : a framework for the positive transformation of self and others / Robert E. Quinn and Gretchen M. Spreitzer -- Authentic leadership : a new approach for a new time / Fred Luthans, Steve Norman, and Larry Hughes -- The inspirational nature of level three leadership / James G. Clawson -- Leadership competencies / Richard E. Boyatzis -- Leadership and emotional intelligence / Cary Cherniss -- Leading through values and ethical principles / R. Edward Freeman, Kirsten Martin, Bidhan Parmar, Margaret Cording, and Patricia H. Werhane -- Strength of character : exceptional leadership in a crisis / Cary L. Cooper, James Campbell Quick, Jonathan D. Quick, and Joanne H. Gavin -- A strategic contingency model of team leadership / Tjai M. Nielsen and Terry R. Halfhill -- Leadership and organizational culture / Marc J. Schabracq -- Why leaders fail : exploring the dark side / Ronald J. Burke -- Perfectionism as a detrimental factor in leadership : a multidimensional analysis / Gordon L. Flett and Paul L. Hewitt -- Workaholism types, satisfaction, and well-being : it's not how hard you work but why and how you work hard / Ronald J. Burke -- Lopsidedness in leaders : strategies for assessing it and correcting it / Robert Kaplan -- 360-degree feedback and leadership development / Ioannis Nikolaou, Maria Vakola, and Ivan T. Robertson -- Developing women leaders / Marian N. Ruderman.
Text of Note
We exist in an era of great change and widespread uncertainty in which course-determining decisions lie with organizational leaders; in this continually shifting climate we require their courage to take action. Billions of dollars are spent annually on developing leaders, yet despite these efforts, most organizations report a shortage of leaders - a leadership gap - and estimates of leadership failures approach fifty per cent. Authored by some of the best names in the subject area, this book addresses this issue and provides readers with an innovative approach to learning leade.