How is human existence possible? (1943) -- The myth of the state (1947) -- The problems of maintaining continuous and full employment (1957) -- The first technological revolution and its lessons (1965) -- Management in the big organizations (1967) -- Politics and economics of the environment (1971) -- What we already know about American education tomorrow (1971) -- Claremont Address (1974) -- Structural changes in the world economy and society as they affect American business (1977) -- Managing the increasing complexity of large organizations (1981) -- The information-based organization (1987) -- Knowledge lecture I; II; III; IV; V (1989) -- The new priorities (1991) -- Do you know where you belong? (1992) -- The era of the social sector (1994) -- The knowledge worker and the knowledge society (1994) -- Reinventing government: the next phase (1994) -- Manage yourself and then your company (1996) -- On health care (1996) -- The changing world economy (1997) -- Deregulation and the Japanese economy (1998) -- Managing oneself (1999) -- From teaching to learning (1999) -- On globalization (2001) -- Managing the nonprofit organization (2001) -- The future of the corporation I; II; III; IV (2003).
Text of Note
This book presents thirty-three of Peter F. Drucker's most important speeches and talks delivered at professional gatherings and in the classroom.
Parallel Title
Essential lessons on management, society, and economy