Includes footnotes with bibliographical references, and index.
Text of Note
Few contributors to legal thought have contributed on so broad a front as Tony Honoré, Regius Professor of Civil Law in the University of Oxford since 1971. No less energetic and productive than the great Roman jurists whom he has interpreted to the modern world, he has influenced the development of Roman-Dutch law, has altered perceptions of the form and content of Roman law, and has shown how comparative law can generate fresh insights and stimulate research. His work in analytical jurisprudence, and in moral and political philosophy, is continually cited by other scholars. In the study of texts, his sensitivity to the Latin language, to the habits of the legal mind in general, and the individuality of legal minds in particular, has combined with a determined numerate empiricism to produce revolutionary new methods as stimulating as they are controversial. For his sixty-fifth birthday, friends and colleagues, acknowledging the inspiration of his thought, seek to honor Honoré by exploring some aspects of the legal mind. -- preface.