In search of memory traces / Richard F. Thompson -- Indeterminacy in brain and behavior / Paul W. Glimcher -- Models of brain function in neuroimaging / Karl J. Friston -- Brain organization for music processing / Isabelle Peretz and Robert J. Zatorre -- Vestibular, proprioceptive, and haptic contributions to spatial orientation / James R. Lackner and Paul DiZio -- Human category learning / F. Gregory Ashby and W. Todd Maddox -- Pavlovian conditioning: a functional perspective / Michael Domjan -- Neuroscience of mammalian associative learning / Michael S. Fanselow and Andrew M. Poulos -- Behavioral inhibition: linking biology and behavior within a developmental framework / Nathan A. Fox [and others] -- Human development: biological and genetic processes / Irving I. Gottesman and Daniel R. Hanson -- Psychology and neurobiology of suicidal behavior / Thomas E. Joiner Jr., Jessica S. Brown, and LaRicka R. Wingate -- Autism in infancy and early childhood / Fred Volkmar, Kasia Chawarska, and Ami Klin.
Text of Note
Youth psychotherapy outcome research: a review and critique of the evidence base / John R. Weisz, Amanda Jensen Doss, and Kristin M. Hawley -- Prosocial behavior: multilevel perspectives / Louis A. Penner [and others] -- Social psychology of stigma / Brenda Major and Laurie T. O'Brien -- Personality architecture: within-person structures and processes / Daniel Cervone -- Personality development: stability and change / Avshalom Caspi, Brent W. Roberts, and Rebecca L. Shiner -- Work motivation theory and research at the dawn of the twenty-first century / Gary P. Latham and Craig C. Pinder -- Teams in organizations: from input-process-output models to IMOI models / Daniel R. Ilgen [and others] -- Presidential leadership / George R. Goethals -- Personnel psychology: performance evaluation and pay for performance / Sara L. Rynes, Barry Gerhart, and Laura Parks -- Psychological approaches to understanding and treating disease-related pain / Francis J. Keefe, Amy P. Abernethy, and Lisa C. Campbell -- Psychological evidence at the dawn of the law's scientific age / David L. Faigman and John Monahan.