American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine series
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Anesthesia and Surgery -- Assisted Reproduction -- Bacterial and Mycotic Disease -- Behavior and Behavioral Analysis -- Cardiovascular Research -- Embryology and Teratology -- Euthanasia and Necropsy -- Experimental Modeling and Research Methodology -- Gerontology and Age-Associated Lesions -- Gnotobiology -- Health Surveillance -- Hematology and Clinical Biochemistry -- Historical Foundations -- Housing and Environment -- Immunology -- Legal and Ethical Perspectives -- Medical Management and Diagnostic approaches -- Metabolic, Traumatic and Miscellaneous Disease -- Morphophysiology -- Neoplastic Disease -- Nutrition -- Occupational Health -- Parasitic Disease -- Reproduction and Breeding -- Spontaneous and Induced Mutants -- Taxonomy -- Toxicology -- Transgenics, Phenotyping and the Rat Genome -- Viral Disease -- Wild and Black Rats -- Wild and Miscellaneous "Rats."
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Historical foundations / J. Russell Lindsey and Henry J. Baker -- Ethical and legal perspectives / Beverly J. Gnadt -- Taxonomy and stocks and strains / Hans J. Hedrich -- Morphophysiology / John Hofstetter, Mark A. Suckow, and Debra L. Hickman -- Clinical pathology of the rat / Bruce D. Car [and others] -- Reproduction and breeding / Jeffrey J. Lohmiller and Sonya P. Swing -- Assisted reproductive technologies and genetic modifications in rats / Yuksel Agca and John K. Critser -- Analysis of behavior in laboratory rats / Ian Q. Whishaw [and others] -- Nutrition / Sherry M. Lewis [and others] -- Housing and environment / Robert E. Faith and Jack R. Hessler -- Bacterial, mycoplasmal and mycotic infections / Steven H. Weisbroth, Dannis F. Kohn, and Ron Boot -- Viral disease / Robert O. Jacoby and Diane J. Gaertner -- Parasitic diseases / David G. Baker -- Neoplastic disease / Gary A. Boorman and Jeffrey I. Everitt -- Metabolic, traumatic, and miscellaneous diseases / William W. King and Steven P. Russell.
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This second edition features updated information on a variety of topics including: rat genetics and genomics, both spontaneous and induced disease; state-of-the-art technology for housing and husbandry; occupational health, and experimental models. A premier source of information on the laboratory rat that will be of interest to veterinary and medical students, senior graduate, graduate students, post-docs and researchers who utilize animals in biomedical research. * At least 50% new information than first edition * Includes topics on rat genetics and genomics, occupational health, and experimental models * The premier source of information on the laboratory rat.