Cover; Front Matter; Contents; Chapter 1 Writing Exploits and Security Tools; Chapter 2 Assembly and Shellcode; Chapter 3 Exploits: Stack; Chapter 4 Exploits: Heap; Chapter 5 Exploits: Format Strings; Chapter 6 Writing Exploits I; Chapter 7 Writing Exploits II; Chapter 8 Coding for Ethereal; Chapter 9 Coding for Nessus; Chapter 10 Extending Metasploit I; Chapter 11 Extending Metasploit II; Chapter 12 Extending Metasploit III; Appendix A Data Conversion; Appendix B Syscall Reference; Appendix C Taps Currently; Appendix D Glossary; Index.
Text of Note
Focusing on vulnerability and security code, this book is an educational reference for security professionals and software developers. It accompanies a CD, which contains a copy of the Hacker Code Library v1.0. The Hacker Code Library includes multiple attack classes and functions that are used to create security programs and scripts.