1. Introduction -- 2. The Salomon principle and the corporate veil -- 3. Promoters -- 4. Issue of shares to the public -- 5. The memorandum of association -- 6. The articles of association -- 7. Shares and payment of capital -- 8. The payment of dividends -- 9. The maintenance of capital -- 10. Directors -- 11. Directors' duties -- 12. Powers of directors -- 13. Insider dealing -- 14. Minority protection -- 15. Company meetings -- 16. Accounts, annual return, auditors -- 17. Company secretary -- 18. Debentures and securities -- 19. Receivership -- 20. Voluntary arrangements and administration -- 21. Investigations -- 22. Takeovers, reconstructions and amalgamations -- 23. Liquidation -- 24. Company law : the future.