The scientific revolution. Early memories ; The scientific method ; The new astronomy ; The mechanical philosophy ; The impact of technology ; The laws of motion ; Universal gravitation ; Induction -- The human condition. The arrow of time ; Reductionism ; Determinism ; The mind-body problem ; The blank slate theory ; Plato, Popper, Penrose -- The nature of mathematics. an early influence ; Pluralism in mathematics ; Mathematical platonism ; What is mathematics? ; The infinite ; The mathematical brain ; The Mandelbrot set ; The mathematical consensus ; The argument from physics ; Mathematical truth ; Is our mathematics inevitable? ; The irrelevance of Platonism -- Sense and nonsense. Fundamental constants ; Panspermia ; The standard model ; A philosophical digression ; The multiverse ; In praise of observation ; Machine intelligence ; Simulated universes ; Discussion -- Science and religion. Varieties of belief ; The anthropic principle ; The existence of God ; God's nature and acts ; Life after death ; Keith Ward.
Text of Note
This title discusses deep problems about our place in the world with a minimum of jargon. It argues that 'absolutist' ideas dating back to Plato continue to mislead generations of mathematicians, physicists and theologians, and reveals the underlying reasons for the current conflicts between science and religion.