Includes bibliographical references (pages 265-270) and index.
Text of Note
1. Holomorphic Functions and Mappings. 1.1. Preliminaries. 1.2. Holomorphic mappings. 1.3. Further applications. 1.4. Basic analytic geometry -- 2. Holomorphic Mappings and Local Algebra. 2.1. Finite analytic mappings. 2.2. Intersection numbers. 2.3. The order of contact of an ideal. 2.4. Higher order invariants -- 3. Geometry of Real Hypersurfaces. 3.1. CR geometry. 3.2. Algebraic real hypersurfaces and complex varieties. 3.3. Real analytic subvarieties -- 4. Points of Finite Type. 4.1. Orders of contact. 4.2. Local bounds. 4.3. Other finite type conditions. 4.4. Conclusions -- 5. Proper Holomorphic Mappings Between Balls. 5.1. Rational proper mappings. 5.2. Invariance under fixed-point-free finite unitary groups. 5.3. Boundary behavior -- 6. Geometry of the [actual symbol not reproducible]-Neumann Problem. 6.1. Introduction to the problem. 6.2. Existence and regularity results on the [actual symbol not reproducible] and [actual symbol not reproducible]-Neumann problems.
Text of Note
6.3. Subellipticity. 6.4. Subelliptic multipliers. 6.5. Varieties of positive holomorphic dimension -- 7. Analysis on Finite Type Domains. 7.1. The Bergman projection. 7.2. Boundary invariants and CR mappings.