""Contents""; ""Editor's Note on Chief Seathl's Speech""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Prologue. Red Road, Red Lake-Red Flag! (Four Arrows)""; ""Introduction. (Four Arrows)""; ""CHAPTER 1. Happiness and Indigenous Wisdom in the History of the Americas (Frank Bracho)""; ""CHAPTER 2. Adventures in Denial: Ideological Resistance to the Idea that the Iroquois Helped Shape American Democracy (Bruce E. Johansen)""; ""CHAPTER 3. Burning Down the House: Laura Ingalls Wilder and American Colonialism (Waziyatawin Angela Cavender Wilson)""
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""CHAPTER 14. Before Predator Came: A Plea for Expanding First Nations Scholarship as European Shadow Work (David Gabbard)""""CHAPTER 15. Roy Rogers, Twin Heroes, and the Christian Doctrine of Exclusive Salvation (Four Arrows)""; ""CHAPTER 16. Western Science and the Loss of Natural Creativity (Gregory Cajete)""; ""CHAPTER 17. On the Very Idea of "A Worldview" and of "Alternative Worldviews" (Bruce Wilshire)""; ""Epilogue. Four Arrows""; ""APPENDIX. Essays from The Encyclopedia of American Indian History (Four Arrows)""; ""Index""
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""CHAPTER 4. (Post) Colonial Plainsongs: Toward Native Literary Worldings (Jodi A. Byrd)""""CHAPTER 5. Conquest Masquerading as Law (Vine Deloria Jr.)""; ""CHAPTER 6. Traditional Native Justice: Restoration and Balance, Not "Punishment" (Rudy Al James (ThlauGooYailthThlee- The First and Oldest Raven))""; ""CHAPTER 7. Where Are Your Women?: Missing in Action (Barbara Alice Mann)""; ""CHAPTER 8. Peaceful Versus Warlike Societies in Pre-Columbian America: What Do Archaeology and Anthropology Tell Us? (James DeMeo)""
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""CHAPTER 9. Ecological Evidence of Large-Scale Silviculture by California Indians (Lee Klinger)""""CHAPTER 10. Preserving the Whole: Principles of Sustainability in Mi'kmaw Forms of Communication (Trudy Sable)""; ""CHAPTER 11. The Language of Conquest and the Loss of the Commons (Chet Bowers)""; ""CHAPTER 12. Overcoming Hegemony in Native Studies Programs (Devon A. Mihesuah)""; ""CHAPTER 13. The Question of Whitewashing in American History and Social Science (David N. Gibbs)""
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Annotation "Outstanding scholarship. ... Giant first steps towards the goal of providing a truthful and constructive understanding of indigenous worldviews."--Daniel R. Wildcat, Professor of Sociology and American Indian Studies, Haskell Indian Nations University Responding to anti-Indianism in America, the wide-ranging perspectives culled in Unlearning the Language of Conquest present a provocative account of the contemporary hegemony still at work today, whether conscious or unconscious. Four Arrows has gathered a rich collection of voices and topics, including: Waziyatawin Angela Cavender Wilson's "Burning Down the House: Laura Ingalls Wilder and American Colonialism," which probes the mentality of hatred woven within the pages of this iconographic children's literature. Vine Deloria's "Conquest Masquerading as Law," examining the effect of anti-Indian prejudice on decisions in U.S. federal law. David N. Gibb's "The Question of Whitewashing in American History and Social Science," featuring a candid discussion of the spurious relationship between sources of academic funding and the types of research allowed or discouraged. Barbara Alice Mann's "Where Are Your Women? Missing in Action," displaying the exclusion of Native American women in curricula that purport to illuminate the history of Indigenous Peoples. Bringing to light crucial information and perspectives on an aspect of humanity that pervades not only U.S. history but also current sustainability, sociology, and the ability to craft accurate understandings of the population as a whole, Unlearning the Language of Conquest yields a liberating new lexis for realistic dialogues.