Includes bibliographical references (pages 329-330).
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references.
Text of Note
When it comes to bad news, we've never had it so good. Continuing conflict in the Middle East . . . genocide in Africa . . . natural disasters in the Far East . . . earthquakes in England . . . price of oil at a record high . . . Arctic ice at a record low . . . government legislation curbing personal freedoms . . . financial markets in meltdown. Today we face a greater range of potential disasters than ever before. Laurence Shorter is feeling anxious. Every time he turns on the radio or opens a newspaper he finds another reason to be tearful. It's time to make a change. 'The Optimist' charts Laurence's quest for inner happiness. Can Desmond Tutu bring a smile to Laurence's face? Will he ride out the tide of pessimism with California's famous Surfing Rabbi? Or will it fall to the ultimate icon of optimism, Bill Clinton, to show Laurence the brighter side of life? "The Optimist" is a hilarious and life-affirming stand against the grind of everyday strife.