Quantitative assay of hydrolases for activity and selectivity using color changes / Romas J. Kazlauskas -- High-throughput screening systems for assaying the enantioselectivity of enzymes / Manfred T. Reetz -- High-throughput screening methods developed for oxidoreductases / Tyler W. Johannes, Ryan D. Woodyer, and Huimin Zhao -- Industrial perspectives on assays / Theo Sonke [and others] -- Agar plate-based assays / Nicholas J. Turner -- High-throughput screens and selections of enzyme-encoding genes / Amir Aharoni [and others] -- Chemical complementation / Scott Lefurgy and Virginia Cornish -- Molecular approaches for the screening of novel enzymes / Valéria Maia de Oliveira and Gilson Paulo Monfio -- Fluorescent probes for lipolytic enzymes / Ruth Birner-Grünberger [and others] -- Fingerprinting methods for hydrolases / Johann Grognux and Jean-Louis Reymond -- Protease substrate profiling / Jennifer L. Harris -- Enzyme assays on chips / Souvik Chattopadhaya and Shao Q. Yao.
Text of Note
Edited by one of the leading experts in the field, this book fills the need for a book presenting the most important methods for high-throughput screenings and functional characterization of enzymes. It adopts an interdisciplinary approach, making it indispensable for all those involved in this expanding field, and reflects the major advances made over the past few years. For biochemists, analytical, organic and catalytic chemists, and biotechnologists.