Includes bibliographical references (pages 295-306) and index.
Text of Note
Introduction: Back to the Future -- 1. Conquering the Past and Constructing the Future: The DEFA Film Studio and the Contours of East German Cultural Policy, 1946-I956 -- 2. The Discovery of the Ordinary: Berlin-Ecke Schönhauser and the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU -- 3. A Case of Love Confused?: Slatan Dudow's Verwirrung der Liebe as a Meditation on Art and Industry -- 4. Straddling the Wall: Socialist Realism Meets the Nouvelle Vague in Der geteilte Himmel -- 5. The Eleventh Plenum and Das Kaninchen bin ich -- 6. A Dream Deferred?: Spur der Steine and the Aftermath of the Eleventh Plenum -- 7. The Triumph of the Ordinary: East German Alltag Films of the I970s -- Conclusion -- Epilogue. Arrested Alltag?: East German Film from the Biermann Affair to DEFA's Final Dissolution, 1976-1993.
Text of Note
This work confronts the question of whether movies in the Eastern Bloc were propaganda or secretly veiled dissent. From the late 1960s East German films focused on everyday life, it could be said that filmmakers presented a static image to show an East Germany that accepted the GDR as it was.
Text of Note
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