1. Epidemiology of type 1 diabetes / Janice S. Dorman, Ronald E. LaPorte and Thomas J. Songer -- 2. Genetics of type 1 diabetes / Massimo Pietropaolo and Massimo Trucco -- 3. Prediction and prevention of type 1 diabetes / Aristides K. Maniatis and George S. Eisenbarth -- 4. Molecular biology of [Beta]-cell destruction by autoimmune processes / Ake Lernmark and Choon Hee Chung -- 5. Type 1 diabetes in autoimmune syndromes / Tiinamaija Tuomi and Jaakko Perheentupa -- 6. The metabolic basis of insulin secretion / Nicolai M. Doliba and Franz M. Matschinsky -- 7. Prevention and correction of hypoglycemia: relevance to type 1 diabetes / Philip E. Cryer -- 8. Nonautoimmune forms of diabetes: neonatal diabetes, DIDMOAD-Wolfram syndrome, and related syndromes / Timothy G. Barrett -- 9. Diabetic ketoacidosis / Ram K. Menon and Mark A. Sperling -- 10. Insulin regimens for type 1 diabetes / Baiju R. Shah and Bernard Zinman -- 11. Relationship between metabolic control and complications in diabetes: therapeutic implications of the diabetes control and complications trial / Saul Genuth -- 12. Open- and closed-loop insulin delivery systems and glucose sensors / John C. Pickup -- 13. Living with diabetes: educating the patient and family with type 1 diabetes / Jean Betschart Roemer and Linda Siminerio -- 14. Nutritional management in type 1 diabetes / Christine A. Beebe -- 15. Special problems and management of the child less than 5 years of age / Nadia Tubiana-Rufi and Paul Czernichow -- 16. The preadolescent child with type 1 diabetes / William V. Tamborlane, Elizabeth A. Boland and Margaret Grey -- 17. The adolescent with type 1 diabetes / George A. Werther, Fergus J. Cameron and John M. Court -- 18. Hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes / Stephanie A. Amiel and Krystyna Matyka -- 19. Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes / Erica M. Sommermann, Erin K. Van Meter and Lois Jovanovic -- 20. Surgery for the patient with type 1 diabetes / Adrian Vella and Robert A. Rizza -- 21. Biochemistry and molecular biology of diabetic complications / Kenya Sakamoto and Michael Brownlee -- 22. The eye: diabetic retinopathy/ophthalmopathy / David Kent and Peter A. Campochiaro -- 23. The kidney: diabetic nephropathy / Abhay Vats and Frederick DeRubertis -- 24. Diabetic peripheral and autonomic neuropathy / Eva L. Feldman, Martin J. Stevens and James W. Russell -- 25. The diabetic foot / David L. Steed -- 26. Atherosclerosis in type 1 diabetes / Wael Emad Eid, Siripoom McKay, Finnbogi Karlsson and Alan J. Garber -- 27. Cutaneous complications of type 1 diabetes / Jean L. Bolognia and Irwin M. Braverman -- 28. Infection and diabetes / Nirmal Joshi -- 29. Pancreas transplantation / R. Paul Robertson -- 30. Islet transplantation / Thierry Berney, Norma Sue Kenyon, Rodolfo Alejandro, Luca Inverardi, Daniel H. Mintz and Camillo Ricordi -- 31. [Beta]-cell replacement therapy for type 1 diabetes / Shimon Efrat -- 32. Islet growth factors / Rupangi C. Vasavada, Adolfo Garcia-Ocana, Karen K. Takane, Ana Cebrian, Juan Carlos Lopez-Talavera and Andrew F. Stewart.
Text of Note
A concise survey by physicians and researchers of the latest thinking about the causes of diabetes and the best approaches to treating its acute and chronic complications. The authors pay special attention to explaining the molecular basis of diabetes and its complications, as well as to the many recent developments in whole pancreas and islet cell transplantation, including the means for avoiding the rejection of transplanted islets.