Complexity of computations / Michael O. Rabin -- Notation as a tool of thought / Kenneth E. Iverson -- Relational database: a practical foundation for productivity / E.F. Codd -- An overview of computation complexity / Stephen A. Cook -- Combinatorics, complexity, and randomness / Richard M. Karp -- Piecing together complexity [postscript] / Karen Frenkel -- Complexity and parallel processing: an interview with Richard Karp [postscript] / Karen Frenkel.
Text of Note
Programming languages and systems / Susan L. Graham -- The synthesis of algorithmic systems / Alan J. Perlis -- The humble programmer / Edsger W. Dijkstra -- Computer programming as an art / Donald E. Knuth -- Logic and programming languages / Dana S. Scott -- Can programming be liberated from the von Neumann style? a functional style and its algebra of programs / John Backus -- The paradigm of programming / Robert W. Floyd -- The emperor's old clothes / Charles Antony Richard Hoare -- Reflections on software research / Dennis M. Ritchie -- Reflections on trusting trust / Ken Thompson -- From programming language design to computer construction / Niklaus Wirth -- Computers and computing methodologies / Robert L. Ashenhurst -- Computers then and now / Maurice V. Wilkes -- One man's view of computer science / R.W. Hamming -- Form and content in computer science / Marvin Minsky -- Some comments from a numerical analyst / J.H. Wilkinson -- Generality in artificial intelligence [postscript] / John McCarthy -- The programmer as navigator / Charles W. Bachman -- Computer science as empirical inquiry: symbols and search / Allen Newell, Herbert A. Simon.