"An annotated bibliography of the works of Sterling A. Brown": pages 431-442.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Includes discographies: pages 445-455.
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Introduction to Southern road (1932) / James Weldon Johnson -- Sterling Brown : the new negro folk-poet / Alain LeRoy Locke -- The heavy blues of Sterling Brown : a study of craft and tradition / Stephen E. Henderson -- Review of The collected poems of Sterling A. Brown / Henry Louis Gates, Jr. -- "When de saints go ma'chin' home" : Sterling Brown's blueprint for a new negro poetry / Robert Burns Stepto -- Two writers sharing : Sterling A. Brown, Robert Frost, and "In Divés' Dive" / John Edgar Tidwell -- Listen Br'er Sterling : the critic as liar (a pre(r)amble to essays on Sterling Brown) / Kimberly W. Benston -- Two lost sonnets by Sterling A. Brown / edited and introduced by John Edgar Tidwell and Ted Genoways -- Worrying the lines : versification in Sterling Brown's Southern road / Michael Tomasek Manson -- "Game to the heart" : Sterling Brown and the badman / Robert G. O'Meally -- Slim Greer, Sterling A. Brown, and the art of tall tale / John Edgar Tidwell -- The new negro poet and the Nachal man : Sterling Brown's folk odyssey / John S. Wright -- Authenticity and elevation : Sterling Brown's theory of the blues / Lorenzo Thomas -- Sterling A. Brown and the Afro-modern moment / Mark A. Sanders -- Sterling Brown : an ethnographic odyssey / Beverly Lanier Skinner -- Sterling Brown's southern strategy : poetry as cultural evolution in Southern road / David R. Anderson -- In defense of African American culture : Sterling A. Brown, Gunnar Myrdal, and An American dilemma / John Edgar Tidwell -- Sterling A. Brown's literary essays : the Black reader in the text / Robert G. O'Meally -- "A Brown study" : Sterling Brown's legacy of compassionate connections / John F. Callahan -- The professor and the activists : a memoir of Sterling Brown / Ekwueme Michael Thelwell -- An integer is a whole number / Michael S. Harper -- "Let me be with Old Jazzbo" : an interview with Sterling A. Brown / Charles H. Rowell -- A symposium on the life and work of Sterling Brown / edited by David L. Smith -- "Steady and unaccusing" : an interview with Sterling A. Brown / John Edgar Tidwell and John S. Wright -- Br'er Sterling and the blues : an interview with Michael S. Harper / Graham Lock, with a preface by Michael S. Harper -- Clarifying philosophy : Sterling A. Brown and the Nonviolent Action Group / John Edgar Tidwell -- A conversation with John H. Bracey, Esther Terry, and Mike Thelwell / Steven C. Tracy -- An annotated bibliography of the works of Sterling A. Brown / Robert G. O'Meally -- "Fear did not catch his tongue and throttle his breath" : a discography of recordings by and related to Sterling A. Brown / Steven C. Tracy -- Vernacular recordings relevant to the study of Sterling A. Brown's Southern road / Steven C. Tracy.
Text of Note
John Edgar Tidwell and Steven C. Tracy have brought together for the first time a book-length collection of critical and theoretical writings about Sterling A. Brown that recovers and reasserts his continuing importance for a contemporary audience. Exploring new directions in the study of Brown's life and work, After Winter includes new and previously published essays that sum up contemporary approaches to Brown's multifaceted works; interviews with Brown's acquaintances and contemporaries; an up-to-date, annotated bibliography; and a discography of source material that innovatively extends th.
Source for Acquisition/Subscription Address
Stock Number
After winter.
International Standard Book Number
Brown, Sterling A.,1901-1989-- Criticism and interpretation.