The gaze of the other / Anshuman Prasad -- Toward a postcolonial reading of organizational control / Raza A. Mir, Ali Mir, and Punya Upadhyaya -- Managing orgnizational culture and imperialism / Bill Cooke -- The empire of organizations and the organization of empires / Anshuman Prasad and Pushkala Prasad -- Decolonizing and re-presenting culture's consequences / Dennis Kwek -- The return of the native / Pushkala Prasad -- Reading the rhetoric of otherness in the discourse of business and economics / Esther Priyadharshini -- Accounting for the Banal / Dean Neu -- Asserting possibilities of resistance in the cross-cultural teaching machine / Gavin Jack and Anna Lorbiecki -- From the colonial enterprise to enterprise systems / Abhijit Gopal, Robert Willis, and Yasmin Gopal -- The practice of stakeholder colonialism / Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee -- The postcolonial imagination / Anshuman Prasad and Pushkala Prasad.
Text of Note
This book takes up a question that has rarely been raised in the field of management: "Could modern Western colonialism have important implications for the practices and theories that inform management and organizations?" Employing the framework of postcolonial theory, an international group of scholars addresses this question, and offers remarkable insights about the implications of the colonial encounter for management. Wide-ranging in scope, the book covers major topics like cross-cultural management, control and resistance, corporate culture, the discourse of exoticization in museums and tourism, and stakeholder issues, and sheds new light on the troubling legacy of colonialism.