1. Purchasing policies. -- 2. Fruits, fresh and processed. -- 3. Vegetables. -- 4. Dairy products. -- 5. Eggs. -- 6. Poultry. -- 7. Fish. -- 8. Meat. -- 9. Religious dietary laws. -- 10. Convenience foods. -- 11. Miscellaneous groceries. -- 12. Storage and handling. -- Appendices: a. Quality controls and federal regulations. -- b. Food purchasing guide. -- c. Purchase specifications.
Text of Note
"SPECS: The Foodservice and Purchasing Specification Manual, Student Edition contains information on purchasing policies, foods, quality controls, and storage and handling procedures. It is designed as a reference manual for the standards by which food is measured, specified for purchase, and inspected upon delivery to assure that the foodservice operation is getting the value it is paying for. SPECS has been updated to become even more practical for daily use so that readers can easily find the information they need. This must-have reference also includes discussion of the theory behind specifications, including why they are needed and who develops and uses them. The perfect resource for purchasing courses, SPECS provides readers with the decision-making skills they need in the area of quality, quantity, specifications, and the general value analysis of the purchasing function."--Publisher's website.