Includes bibliographical references (pages 189-193) and index.
Text of Note
General information -- Faith and practice -- Islam and other religions -- Customs and culture -- Violence and terrorism -- Society, politics, and economy -- Muslims in the West.
Text of Note
This book contains information on the faith, customs, and political beliefs of the one billion people who call themselves Muslims. It uses a question and answer format to present information on topics including faith and practice, Islam and other religions, customs and culture, and Muslims in the West. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, there has been an overwhelming demand for information about Islam. As one of the leading experts on Islam the author has found himself called upon to speak to a wide range of audiences, including members of Congress, the Bush administration, government agencies, the military, and the media. Out of this experience, he has identified the most pressing questions people consistently ask about Islam. He provides answers to questions that range from the general, "What do Muslims believe?" and "Who was Muhammad?", to more specific issues like "Is Islam compatible with modernization, capitalism and democracy?" "How do Muslims view Judaism and Christianity?" "Are women second-class citizens in Islam?" "What is jihad?" "Does the Quran condone terrorism?" "What does Islam say about homosexuality, birth control, abortion, and slavery?"
Source for Acquisition/Subscription Address
Oxford Univ Pr, 2001 Evans rd, Cary, NC, USA, 27513