Effect of Refugee Influx on Elections: The Case of Turkey
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Yuksel, Emre
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
Foad, Hisham
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San Diego State University
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
45 p.
Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
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San Diego State University
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Text of Note
The political issues in Syria have led to an increase in migration to neighboring countries. In these countries, Turkey has implemented very liberal refugee policy and has turned into the largest refugee-hosting country in the world thanks to this policy. We analyze the effect of this big shift on voting behavior of Turkish citizens. Our empirical design employs refugee influx as a policy, which caused unintended socio-economic consequences. We use difference in difference and instrumental variable methods to estimate the causal effect of the influx on voting behavior in Turkey. We exploit within-province variation of refugee presence over years. Our results suggest that for far-right party, we could not find any significant effect of refugee influx on vote share in local elections, but we find a negative effect in general elections. For main opposition party, we find that refugee influx has a positive effect on vote share in local elections. On the contrary, our results suggest that there is a negative relationship between refugee influx and vote share of main opposition party in general elections. Our results show that economic developments influence voting behavior such as political polarization and ideological factors. On the other hand, we could not find a causal relationship between refugee influx and far right party's vote share in contrast to European countries.