An Analysis of the Potential Impact of Data Protection and Data Security Law Reform to the Position of Employees in Indonesian Cloud Computing Industry
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Sari, Rama Kumala
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
Easton, Catherine
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Lancaster University (United Kingdom)
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
229 p.
Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
Body granting the degree
Lancaster University (United Kingdom)
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Text of Note
Cloud computing has raised both technological and legal issues in its implementation. The readiness and the awareness of the legal effect of the implementation of cloud computing in the workplace should be distributed and applied among the employees, most importantly, the policy makers. They have a significant duty to create full legal awareness by making sure all the employees have complied with the regulations and policies. This study sought to determine whether there was adequate support from the Information and communications technology (ICT) companies in Indonesia for their employees, related to their understanding of and readiness for the implementation of cloud computing, data security and data protection. This thesis analyses the extent to which the Indonesian cloud computing industry would be affected by wide-ranging data protection and data security law reforms, and to evaluate the potential effect that data protection and data security law reform could have on the position of employees in the sector. This study uses empirical legal research to analyse the implications of the development of cloud computing, especially for data security and data protection frameworks in the ICT industry. It studies the relevant law and uses interviews to reveal up-to-date data and depict the real situation in the workplace. This thesis examine the regulation and policy in the European Union and United Kingdom, since they have developed a robust set of protections in data security and data protection. Classical content analysis is used to examine the transcripts from semi-structured interviews and data from legal documents and employment policies. The findings of the research support the growth of ICT employees' skills and the growth of the cloud computing industry in Indonesia and highlight the implementation of legal aspects in ICT companies and the effect of the development of technology from the policy makers' perspective.