The Pentecostal Via Salutis and Sacramental Ordinances
First Statement of Responsibility
Kenneth Archer
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Text of Note
Sacramental ordinances are community acts of commitment ordained by Christ as means of grace with particular symbolic significance for our Pentecostal identity (story) and faith journey (via salutis). By locating the sacramental ordinances in the Pentecostal story, the sacramental ordinances take on a spiritual-metaphorical-narrative nature. The metaphorical and narrative nature of the sacraments gives the Holy Spirit opportunity to work redemptively in our lives by strengthening the community in her journey (via salutis) thus (re) shaping Pentecostal identity as the eschatological people of God. Sacramental ordinances are community acts of commitment ordained by Christ as means of grace with particular symbolic significance for our Pentecostal identity (story) and faith journey (via salutis). By locating the sacramental ordinances in the Pentecostal story, the sacramental ordinances take on a spiritual-metaphorical-narrative nature. The metaphorical and narrative nature of the sacraments gives the Holy Spirit opportunity to work redemptively in our lives by strengthening the community in her journey (via salutis) thus (re) shaping Pentecostal identity as the eschatological people of God.